What is Electronic Giving?
Through Electronic Giving, your offerings are made through pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account. You determine the frequency of automatic donation, weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly. Your offering will be deposited in CtK's account after it is withdrawn from your account.
How does this help me?
Electronic Giving enables a safe reliable way to move your stewardship plan into action through planned giving. This will allow you to give consistently and eliminate those periods of "catch up" at year end or post vacation periods.
How does this help CtK?
Electronic Giving simplifies CtK's financial planning through predictive giving while reducing risks and time delays due to processing weekly offerings.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, funds donated to CtK are tax deductible as charitable giving to a church organization under section 501(c)(3) of United States Tax Code.
How can I enroll in Electronic Giving?
Follow the link above to be prompted to create an Online Profile, or make a one-time donation.
Can I cancel once I enroll?
You may cancel your enrollment at any time via the Electronic Giving webpage linked at the top of this page. If you need further help, please contact the CtK Financial Secretary at ctkfinsec@ctknashua.org.
Can I donate to funds within CtK directly?
When enrolling, you may choose to donate to any of the following specific funds within CtK directly. The full list of funds is available on the Electronic Giving page linked above.