Worship is central to the Lutheran faith, and places special emphasis on the Word of God. We celebrate Holy Communion weekly as a way of remembering and giving thanks for the sacrifices God as made for us. We believe that Jesus Christ is truly present when we gather in faith for this sacred meal. Our services include much joyful noise as we sing together in praise of God, and readings and sermons that teach us about how the Gospel applies to our everyday lives.
Faith Formation
The Lutheran faith is a teaching movement. Learning is lifelong, centered on biblical teaching, and fosters our relationships with God and each other. In order to foster this movement, Christ the King offers many opportunities for members of all ages. For a full list of opportunities, check out the Education page.
Music Ministry
We certainly know how to make a Joyful Noise! The sound of music reverberates through our sanctuary at Christ the King — voice and handbell choirs, brass groups, and solo instrumentalists. Practices are held on Tuesday evenings: Handbells at 7pm. Email handbells@ctknashua.org for more information about the bell choir.
As we are seeking a new Music Minister - choir is looking a bit different, with choir rehearsals held twice monthly, and singing in worship happening on those same Sundays. Email the office ctkadmin@ctknashua.org for more information.
Youth Ministry & Children's Ministry
Our Youth Ministry is in a reboot mode. Our youth are not the future of the church; they are the church today! The Youth Group, comprised of young people grades 7-12, participates in local service and outreach opportunities, synod-wide events, national ELCA gatherings, and fun events at CtK. Check the bulletin or email ctkadmin@ctknashua.org for more information.
Our Children's Ministry is being lived out through our Kid's Club. We seek to meet monthly, on a Sunday following worship. Check the bulletin or email ctkadmin@ctknashua.org for more information.
Local and Global Stewardship
Lutherans are stewards, which means we believe that all of life and health, all possessions and capabilities are, in a sense, on loan from God the Creator. So we keep on learning how to return on God's investment in them. We are connected to God and to the world in our giving of time, talents, and treasures. Christ the King is involved in many local and global stewardship initiatives as an expression of our faith and thanks to God, ranging from the Nashua Area Crop Walk, to serving meals at Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter, to outdoor ministries at Camp Calumet, to global aid through ELCA Disaster Relief and the World Hunger Appeal. For a full list of stewardship opportunities, visit the Community Involvement page.
Chapel School
We are happy to offer on-site preschool facilities via our relationship with the Chapel School for all children ages 2-5 years. This is an NAEYC accredited program that encourages play based learning. To learn more about Chapel School, please go to chapelschool.org or contact the director directly at director@chapelschool.org.
Church Library
Our library is brimming with reading, visual and auditory materials. The card catalogue holds more than 3,200 titles and boasts an array of resource materials. Come in and read! Take your favorite title home to enjoy. Find a devotion for Prayer Group or your next meeting. Find a book for Book Club. Watch for our Adopt-a-Book Fair — there's always something new and exciting to adopt!